Round 2

Hafrashas Challah + Worldwide Prayers!

Featuring inspirational Speakers:
Rebbetzin Rochel Kushelevsky, Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller-Gottlieb,
Rabbi Dovid Ashear,
Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein
hosted by Mrs. Tamar Ansh

Thursday, 18 July, 2024
12 Tamuz, 5784

7pm Israel | 5pm UK | 12 noon EST

An event you don’t want to miss!

Refuah shelaima for the baby Temima bas Rina Leah | Refuah shelaima for the baby Tova bas Rochel Shira | לאה שושנה בת מליא לרפאוה שלמה | Li'luy nishmas Jan Fenster, Yehudit Mirel bas Ze'ev and Miriam | Li'iluy nishmas Malka Devorah bas Avrohom | Liluyn nishmas Sorah Miriam bas Reuven Leibel |
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The war in Israel keeps dragging on and on and on…

We’ve lost so many precious neshamos.

Our remaining hostages are languishing in horrible conditions, with no conceivable end in sight.

PLEASE continue your prayers for our hostages!!

CLICK HERE to download a clear list, in English, of all the names of the remaining hostages.

 The “situation” seems to be literally hopeless. 




We did it before.

And you responded – in the thousands.

The time has come to do it again!

And then you feel like you just don’t know what you can really do that will make any kind of true difference 





JOIN US for an incredible virtual event that will reignite your passion and your power to daven…together we will beg Hashem for His salvation for our remaining hostages, our soldiers, and all of Am Yisrael.

ONLINE, On Thursday, 18 July, 2024
7 p.m. Israel | 5 p.m. UK | 12 noon EST 
All in one FREE* online challah unity event

What will we be doing together? Hafrashas Challah as a group, Tefillos, Tehillim, and loads of achdus from around the globe!
Get some much needed chizuk!

HOW will this make any difference?

When We, the Jewish women, harness the opportune time for prayer at the time of hafrashas challah…combined with the unique strength we have when we CRY OUT in prayer together – we make our collective prayers SO POWERFUL. And YES. This can make a very big impact in Heaven above!

THIS IS HUGE! And it’s up to US, the women of Klal Yisrael, to do it!

Did you know… that there are only THREE mitzvos, out of all the 613 in the Torah,  that are singled out specifically for women? And you know what? Hafrashas challah is one of those three. 

That shows us how very powerful it is.

We’re told by our Chazal (our holy Torah authorities) that at the time when we do this mitzvah, it’s an especially auspicious time for prayer.


Our mitzvah of hafrashas challah. Plus OUR UNITY.

One strand by itself is weak and alone, but when a few strands are braided together …
….they become one unit, twisted tightly together, a strong rope which cannot be broken.

Our unity is our unique koach.
We must ACT!

Chizuk & Hafrashas Challah
with women around the world!

Thursday, 18 July, 2024

7 pm Israel | 5 pm UK | 12 noon EST

Can’t be there at that time?

Sign up and you’ll still be a big part of this initiative by being mafrish challah later that day instead.

Can’t make challah that day? It’s too hard for you?
SIGN UP ANYHOW because you’ll still be a big part of this initiative by praying, together with other women all over the world, no matter what time zone you are in!

All you have to do to be a part of this event is get your dough ready in advance and then turn on your computer …because we’re going to do this mitzvah, from wherever we happen to be, and pray TOGETHER.

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